

About Tiyamike


(TO be revised 2025)

Tiyamike is, for the most part, staffed by local people. There are 85 plus staff members fulfilling roles ranging from management, childcare, teaching, cooking, guards, baby care ladies and trades staff members. This group is the backbone of everything that happens at Tiyamike. There is ongoing training (and needing more) and input to/for staff coming from visitors and both short and long term volunteers. All have the goal to give these children opportunities to grow, learn and be fulfilled. Our strong desire is that these children become followers of Christ Jesus and led of Holy Spirit. Our hope is that they become useful and effective in this wonder of life. 

We are in great need of a special needs teacher or someone with special needs education experience. Could this be you or a friend? Even for a season?? The pay isn’t great (in fact isn’t at all) but the retirement benefits are out of this world! If you are interested in joining the team (in whatever way) at Tiyamike, please visit the Visiting Tiyamike page and contact us for more information. We would love the opportunity to talk with you and listen about how you may become involved in this amazing happening here in Malawi.