Our work here at Tiyamike as of now in March 2018 and for several years past, focuses on the raising of the babies who have been orphaned. Prior to about 2014 one of our main concerns was the intake of infants from a few hours old to days old and sometimes months old, all in distressful situations. It was not just rescuing them to save their lives. Of course, that was the uppermost concern and remains so if babies in distress are brought to our gate. We could have taken them in bringing them to health, then after two or even three years later attempted to place them with relatives. Had we done that… these children would in worse circumstances, perhaps becoming house slaves (if female possibly, if not likely, abused) and then field workers for the relatives. At best case, with few exceptions, they would be last in the family for receiving food, clothing, and especially education. This is not necessarily due to the hard hearts of the relatives, at least in many cases. It is the result of extreme poverty evidenced by a 2013 assessment of Tiyamike children’s relatives initiated by the Government of Malawi. The study brought forth the fact that 93% of the relatives were classified in the ultra-poor (unable to care for themselves) category of income and life-sustaining ability.
The result of the founders, volunteers and many of the staff’s commitment to these children is walking through the very big challenge of raising them and all that entails. (James 1:27 note the part about pollution) A note here: We do not do this from reading the scripture and through religious performance, following that…. but because Holy Spirit has placed a love in our hearts and that love is evidenced by our doing what the scripture says. It is easy to see how important it is for ongoing funding from friends with a desire and ability and willingness to assist.
The heart purpose of all management and staff at TMC is to see that challenge accomplished in as much of a family environment as we can provide. For the last year and a half we have been renovating and improving our children’s quarters, making living spaces more conducive to smaller family grouping care. The children must be safe, loved, cared for and educated. The goal to have them prepared for life which hopefully includes them meeting, knowing and being known by Jesus (Matt 7:23). Someone once said, “If we have to go to work, we are in the wrong job!” Here at TMC the founders and volunteers and even some if not many of the staff ‘Go to life!’ each day. The blessings of seeing the children grow up and become interesting individuals bright-eyed and full of confidence, even if not academic in orientation, is ample reward not to be matched with money.
There is no hard rule of an age where a child in our care must leave. We remain involved as long as there is need, (that does not mean we provide everything but that we will help them get, or even in some cases make, a fishing pole) even to assisting some who had in past times, left of their own volition, however that came about.
Our life here at times includes overseas teams and/or visitors with which we do outreaches to rural areas and general sharing of the goodness of God as opportunities arise.
Tiyamike Mulungu Center ©