Donations may be sent to the following locations.
Indicate on the check that the donation is for Tiyamike Mulungu Center.
In the USA
One Way Ministries
7174 Mount Adams Street
Wellington, CO 80549
In Canada
Due to Canadian provincial government regulations, the following statement on fundraising should be made available to those who assist us from the Canadian side. Pam and myself (Will) are project partners with:
Great Commission Foundation. Great Commission Foundation (GCF) annually hopes to raise three to six million dollars at an estimated cost of less than 2%. GCF is a ministry who assists (by partnering with) many ministries in Canada and around the world.
**Please note: GCF assists TMCT by the good administration of funds donated to us by friends. We do not receive millions or even thousands of dollars from GCF.
Note that we receive the funds (from Canada) you donate less GCF admin fee.
GCF may be contacted at:
Great Commission Foundation
PO Box 14006
Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 0B4
Phone: 604-960-2595
Toll Free: 1-855-488-7020
Fax: 604-960-2594
In the UK
Tiyamike Mulungu Centre UK
Registered UK Charity No. 1136533
15 Watermill Close
Rochdale, Lancs
OL16 4BN
0044 7803038245
Gift Aid Form (PDF): Download
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