We are endlessly amazed at how faithful and generous people have been towards our efforts here at Tiyamike. Funds coming just because Holy Spirit whispers to someone and so often just in time. Without the faithfulness of friends, old and new, who have been and remain able and willing to generously share out of that ability, with us, to help those in such need, we would not be able to do any of the incredible things we have seen and continue to see taking place here at TMC. Now Trust is added to Tiyamike Mulungu Center (Trust)
TMCT children are alert, confident, loving, kind (most are most of the time), and they are growing .. wow are they growing? Yes they are growing !!! So with the full Primary School of which about a third are TMCT children , the rest are staff and community children we are trusting there is to be a Secondary School to fulfill the first leg of education for these children. Yes they still need haircuts, slippers, food, medicine, clothes, did I mention food, all the things everyones kids need … only multiplied by 100… Wow did I mention food???
Tiyamike is 100% supported by individual donors and churches who choose to be involved in this work. Transparency in use of funds is of high priority to our ministry. It is without doubt our purpose to use funds as donors' desire for such purposes as may be identified. It is also a fact that when we are short on food and or other necessities of life, such funds may have to be used to cover those needs first, before specified projects. When we come thru the difficulties we would then move back to the intended purpose for which funds were given.
There are several ways that you can get involved in our ongoing needs:
We have no doubt we will be moving forward in the provision of a better home-life, education, and all that is required to raise these wonderful children. We invite you to join with us and be a part of what is so accurately called "a happening thing!!!"
Tiyamike Mulungu Center ©