

TMC Walkthru 2017
Come and experience the TMC campus.

TMC Walkthru 2018
Come and experience the TMC campus.

Tiyamike Mulungu Center Walthrough 2017
They were Orphaned.. Since 2003... a children's home, 100 came as babies some a few hours old, mom's passed away... safe, loved, cared for.. Amazing wonder-full blessed children full of life and fun !!! Having a primary school since 2004, now with one third of the 270 students being community children. Now we need a Secondary School.. soon. Not just for TMC but for the Valley of about 700,000.. Education is one key in breaking the poverty cycle.

TMC CHRISTMAS VIDEO (Christmas 2010)
Highlights from Christmas 2010 at Tiyamike

TMC VIDEO #1: Introduction
A collection of videos taken throughout TMC

TMC VIDEO #2: The Children

This video is a collection of photos of the children with their wonderful voices singing in the background.